Wednesday 22 May 2013

Things that feel good: Volume 1

Today was an okay day.  Not great, but not bad.  So I needed to kick it up a notch.

I decided to do something that felt good.  Nothing crazy, just a little... indulgent. 

Usually, I don't indulge in such behavior.

But I never knew why I didn't.  So today, I did the best thing after I got home from work.

I sat in my living room in my underwear, drank a glass of milk and ate a doughnut.

And it felt good. 

Obviously the doughnut (or donut, depending on how lazy a speller you are) was awesome.  I got my amazing doughnut at a local (but famous) doughnut shop in town.  The underwear was a nice addition, as I love sitting around in my underwear when I watch Saturday morning cartoons. So I decided that I needed to start doing more things that feel good.  Even if they are silly (or trivial.)

I'm not trying to tell you your business; but you should too.  Go do something that feels good.  Even if its something small.  Go for it.  You deserve it.  Then maybe tell me about it in the comments.  I would love that.

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