Friday, 20 July 2012

The Liebster Award? Thank you!

I got an email last night, telling me to check out a friend's blog this morning.  There was a surprise there for me.  And what a surprise it was.  I was nominated for a Liebster Award!  What a sweet gesture from blogbonita SimplyyMayra!

What is a Liebster Award?  The word "liebster" is German literally meaning dearest or favorite.  Although a thorough Google search has not led me to the orgins of this award, the information passed long to me says the Liebster award recognizes new and upcoming bloggers with less than 200 registered readers who deserve some kind of recognition and support for their contribution.  


In order to accept this prestigious award, one must abide by a list of rules.  Here they are:
  1. Each person must list 11 things about themselves.
  2. Answer the 11 questions that the tagger has set for you PLUS you MUST create 11 questions of your own for the 11 people you will nominate with this award, which brings me to rule 
  3. Choose up to 11 bloggers linking them to your post.
  4. Go to their page and inform them of the nomination.
  5. Absolutely NO tag backs.
  6. Remember to ONLY tag bloggers with less than 200 registered readers
Gettin' the party started with 11 random facts about me:
  • I was a back-up singer for Shania Twain when I was 18 
  • I have had 4 different careers in my life.  
  • Teaching has been my favorite career so far 
  • I worked as an exterminator for 3 years; it was a great job. 
  • My favorite color changes with my mood.  My students ask me almost daily what my favorite color is. 
  • My favorite Beatles song is "Let It Be" 
  • I love to paint and draw, but I have no confidence in my abilities there
  • I'm still a working musician, but I don't do it as much as I used to.  Secretly, I feel I may have given up on my dream 
  • I am an introvert and an extrovert.  I guess I am a balanced individual.
  • I am extremely sarcastic.  I am actually trying to reign it in a little.
  • I haven't had cable TV in 8 years, and I love telling people about that.  I'm a little self-righteous I guess.

Answers to SimplyyMayra's Questions: 

1. When you were a little girl what did you want to be when you grew up? 
I wanted to be one of two things: I wanted to be Isaac from "The Love Boat," a bartender on a cruise ship; or a spy.  I wanted to be a spy so bad, I wore nothing but black clothing for a time as a child.

2. If $5000.00 just magically landed on your lap, what would you do?
Gifts.  I love buying presents.  Then I would buy some vegetables for the shelter I use to work at.  They need lots of food.  I give what I can, but this would be awesome and useful.  And then bills.  And then something nice for me and D, maybe a vacation somewhere.  Good thing I don't have this money, I would be a nervous wreck trying to figure out what to do with it!

3. You could be any musical instrument for a day...which one and why?
I would be a street piano!  Hanging outside, meeting lots of people who play me for the enjoyment and novelty of a piano being outside!

4. I gaga-gugu for Vin Diesel and the Rock, who do you gaga-gugu for?
Brandon Flowers.  I love his music and lyrics.  I wish I could get to know him, I would settle for being his friend.  And he could be my friend, my sexy, sexy friend.

5. What's a MUST on your bucket list?
I don't have a bucket list.  If there is something I want to do, I totally do it.  I don't like the stress of a list I may not be able to complete.  No regrets!

6. If you could be a cartoon character which one will you choose and why?
Um, a Powerpuff girl?  I like to kick ass and take names.

7. What's your passion?
Music.  And Teaching.  I need to do both of them.

8. Why did you start blogging? 
At first, I had a fairly popular knitting blog because I was learning how to knit.  I liked sharing my progress with other people.  But I found writing about one subject limiting, so I started a lifestyle blog so I could put my knitting out there, as well as anything else that came to mind. 

9. What inspired the name of your blog?
My friends at work call me by one of my last names, Bass.  At school, they would say to me, "Is there anything you can't do?" and I would say, "Yeah, plenty.  But I choose to focus on my abilities." And they would say, "Yeah, Bass' abilities."  Since I like to run words together like Robot and Apocalypse (= Robocalypse,) and Stephanie and Evolution (= Stephalution,) "Bassability" seemed like the natural choice for a blog about stuff I can do. 

10. Any regrets?
I don't think so.  Everything I've done led me to where I am right now.  Even though there were hard times that left me almost wrecked, I was still able to pull myself out with help of friends and family.  I've learned a lot.  A lot.  Can't regret learning stuff.

11. If you could visit yourself at age 15 with the wisdom you have now, what would you tell her?
Dude, your twenties are gonna suck.  You will make some friends, lose some friends.  Make some choices that you won't value or understand until you are in your thirties.  Mom will hate you for a while, you will never understand why.   You will be sexually assaulted.  You will be part of a tragedy that will affect you forever.  You will get sick and almost die.  But you will survive, more you will thrive.  You will stop doing what everyone asks of you, and the world won't end.  You will find someone who understands you and helps you find your dreams.  You will come out wiser, stronger and smarter than you ever thought possible.  And you won't waste that power.  You will use it to help others.  You will not be "useless" or a "waste."  And you are not those things now.  You don't believe me, but I believe in you. 

Whoa, heavy.

My questions:
1.  Which do you like more, big breakfast or big dinner?  Why?
2. What is your favorite children's story?
3. What is the best part of you?
4. What is a secret you would be willing to share?
5. What is your favorite Beatles song?
6. If you could change on aspect of your life, what would it be?
7. Do you collect something?
8. If you were a paint color, what would you be?
9. Dream job?
10. What is your favorite thing to do on a Sunday morning?
11. What do you think is the most important lesson you have learned in your life thus far?
My nominees:

Sierra at C'mon Fatso
Velouria at Definitely Maybe
Lolly at Lolly Likes

Alright my friends, congratulations!

1 comment:

  1. Guuurrrl I am at work right now and don't have the time to express about your post......I WILL be back! Awesome! Gotta go b4 I get caught! Sshhh


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