Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Capturing My Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday!  My birthday is one of the reasons I love the summer so much.  We stayed around town and had a wonderful day. Here's the re-cap:

In the morning, we went on a graffiti walk!  I saw these little pasted pictures downtown.  I loved the sewing machines.  You may not know this, but I love graffiti art and murals.  There were a few new ones I wanted to check out downtown.  We had a quick photo shoot at my favorite one-- Isn't it OUT OF THIS WORLD?! (That cheesy joke was brought to you by my terrible sense of humor.)

We stopped at my favorite cafe -Mulberry Street and had some coffee and muffins.  Of course, the only picture I remembered to take was of the plant box of succulents in the window. 

Then D and I went on a short road trip to pick up my birthday present.  We had to go to a neighboring city to pick it up.  

It was a new computer!  I really wanted a new computer because my laptop was 7 years old and chugging along.  I like Acer because my last one lasted, well, 7 years.  I'm typing on my new computer right now.  It hasn't crashed once.  Working electronics FTW!

While D and my friend Mike worked on the "Top Secret Birthday Project" I went to The Ten Spot to have a manicure by my friend Janet!  It was relaxing and fun to hang out with Jan.  And we chose fun colors to paint me nails.   Afterwards, Mike asked why I didn't paint the thumb nail brown so I could have all the colors of Reese Pieces.  That dude does not get fashion.  Or, maybe he does...

I still don't know what the secret birthday project is.

For dinner, we literally had a boat load of sushi at Kampai. It was so yummy, and the sushi chef was friendly and nice.  He spoke to us in Japanese-- and I understood some!  I even answered him back.  I have mad language skillz. 

I made my birthday cake.  It was a vanilla cake, with vanilla frosting, and in the middle there was a layer of raspberry preserves.  Of course it needed summer fresh raspberries on top.  It was so good, if I do say so myself.  There was small surprise party that night.  Just some friends and cake. 

It was a relaxing and pleasant day.  I remember when I needed to have an extravagant plan to enjoy my birthday, but that was before I knew the joys of a stress free birthday.  No pressure.  It was awesome.

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