Tuesday, 17 July 2012

I scream, you scream...

I don't have to finish that rhyme do I?

It has been hot here, y'all.  I mean Alabama hot, in the high 30s (that's over 100 for you Fahrenheit people) and that is entirely too hot for Canada.  So what do we do on hot evenings?  We go and eat ice cream!  Now, I am sure that ice cream doesn't cool you down any, that's what driving in the air conditioned car does.  But it tastes really good.  And we are lucky to have one of the best dairy bars not too far from where we live.

I'm lactose intolerant, so an ice cream trip is a pretty special occasion.  I usually have to take 4 Lactaid capsules before I have some ice cream.  I threw caution to the wind, and ate this ice cream without a net.  And I was fine!  My body worked with me for once!

I love that every year there is usually a new ice cream flavor.  I like to try the new ones, cause I'm courageous like that.  So I tried the Boston Cream Donut.  It includes one of my favorite things- donuts!  A Boston Cream Donut is like a mini Boston Cream Pie in your hand. 

I got the small.  I know, right?  And this was after I already ate some.  It was so good.  There were little pieces of cake, and ribbons of chocolate and cream through the ice cream.  The vanilla ice cream was a little sweeter than regular vanilla.  I made a great choice with this one.

D likes to mix his flavors, he is not as much of an ice cream purist as I am. So, he got 2 scoops, chocolate peanut butter and mocha almond fudge.  He said the best part was when he was eating both flavors together.  Weirdo. 

M got a dipped cone, and it was a little messy.  This is to be expected with a chocolate layer holding in all that ice cream.  It looked yummy.  But as he was eating it, M was losing his mind!  He hates a mess, and this was making one.  After he washed his hands, so said he still felt sticky.  He's a little crazy about the hygiene, which is a good thing to be I guess.

What else I like about Stoney Creek Dairy is its pretty much the same as it was in the 1960s.  Inside they great old pictures of the place in the 50s and 60s, and not much has changed save the lighting and electronics.

You know what is better than getting ice cream?  Getting a dose of nostalgia and ice cream.

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