Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Not ragging on D

Its hard not to feel a little judged on the internet.

I feel that my last post may have given some folks the wrong impression of D.  Maybe this blog gives the wrong impression of D, I don't know, I'm not a blog interpreter.  What I do know is that D is a great dude.  Someone I'm happy to have around.  So I wanted to share some of the great things D does, and the awesomeness he adds to my life.  In this post, I will not be ragging on D.

1.  D gives the best back scratches.  I'm not sure he even likes scratching my back.  But if I want one, he has his hands out ready to go.  A friend wanted to by me a back scratched, you know those green plastic jobs that you get for a buck?  D said, "what for?  I scratch her back."  And he totally does.  He commits to doing a good job.  I've never had a second-rate back scratch from this guy.

2. D supports my schemes.  Every once and a while, I have these "get rich quick" and "carpe diem" schemes.  Haphazard plans to make money, or try something unreasonable.  I wanted to start playing shows every weekend, that way I wouldn't have to work in a conventional office job (that I was terrible at).  So that year for my birthday, D bought me a new amp for my guitar.  I wanted a piano, so D found a used one, and made arrangements for it to be moved.  I wanted to become and exterminator knowing full well that I was allergic to Pyrethren.  D went and bought Benedryl and calamine lotion.  I wanted to learn how to skateboard, roller derby, hang glide, get a weird piercing, new tattoo etc... D would just roll his eyes and make preparations to help me feel better when these schemes did or didn't work out.  He's the one that is prepared for the fallout of living with me.

3. D supports my dreams.  I wanted to go to teacher's college.  He helped me make it financially possible.  He supported me when my classmates were racist idiots. When I was tired, he tried to make dinner, and didn't ask me to do anything that year.  He saw that the jobs I kept taking weren't for me, and that this would change things for me.  And he was right.

4.  D does the laundry.

5.  D doesn't think that my disabilities are a burden.  While I was being tested for MS, brain tumors and other maladies, he worried, but didn't shy away from research and finding ways to make me feel more comfortable.  He bugs me to take my medications.  Makes me go to the doctor's office, even though I hate it.  Fights with me about follow-up appointments and getting my tests done.  Things that most people would rather ignore, D puts in my face so that I will do something about it.

6.  D supports my political stuff.  I love a good protest.  Even if he is not in full agreement with me politically, he will talk to me, try to understand my point of view.  He has learned about feminism, socialism, anti-racism and imperialism so that he can understand where I'm coming from.  He will come with me to events, and hold my signs while I argue with people.  Make me feel better after wards when I'm upset about people "not getting it" or saying rude things to me.

7. D lets me play my guitar at 3am if song inspiration hits.

8.  D calls himself the "straight man" to me, like he's some humorless foil to my comedy.  He's not, he has a wicked tongue, and a great sense of humor.  Sometimes he get some zingers in that leave me breathless.

9.  D lets me write blog posts about him.  Good and bad.  

That's a small part of the D I know.  He's not perfect.  Neither am I.  So we suit each other well. 

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