Friday, 1 June 2012

Have you ever...

...seen my hot-water bottle cozy? His name is Wator, Protector of the Hot Water Bottle.

I made him when I just starting learning how to knit.  It was a challenging first project, but I think I did quite well.   I made him out of dollar store yarn and some vintage buttons I had.  His teeth were felt, and he's removable.

I used him today because I hurt my back, and I needed some warmth.  Wator always scares away the pain.


  1. Awww! He's got wonderful personality!

  2. Hehe, that is one awesome hot water bottle cover!

    1. Thank you! I didn't know how it would turn out, but I really happy with him.

  3. Aww! He's so cute! I think you did a wonderful job making him! :)


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