Monday, 18 June 2012

How I Owned a Dog for 3 Days

(I think that I have cooled down enough to write about what happened a little over a week ago.  I was very upset with D, and so he may look kinda bad in this post.  We have talked about it, and he is totally cool with looking like a jerk.  He said he felt like a jerk.  So here it is.)

A little over a eek ago, we got a dog.  This wasn't a spur of the moment thing; we ad talked about it for a while.  I wanted a dog really badly, and since Shiloh died, this seemed like a good time.  Our place felt kind of empty.  A pet would warm it up again.

I searched for a while trying to find a rescue/ adoption that would work for us.  We didn't want a puppy.  We wanted a pet who knew the ropes.  After an adjustment period would be a part of our household. 

And we found him.

He was a 3 year old pug that needed a new home soon.  He owners were moving, and he needed to find a new home.  I didn't make any plans; I asked D if he wanted to meet the dog.  He said yes.  So we set up a time to meet him.

So we went to his current home, and talked to the owner, got some information about the dog and played with him for about an hour.  His name was Wrinkles.  He was a doofus.  And I loved it.  While we were talking to the owner, he started playing with my purse.  Then he put his head in it and laid there.  It was the funniest thing I've ever seen a dog do.  He was so excited to meet us.  D ad I agreed that we would take him.  But not right then, we would get the house ready for him and pick him up in 4 days.

Plenty of time for D to change his mind.

But he didn't.

So I got rid of my piano, so that there would be some more room for Wrinkles and his things.  I bought food, a brush, and leash, some toys, allergy solution for me, a harness, treats, and other dog-needs.  I was ready for the pup.

Finally the weekend came, and we picked up Wrinkles.  He was a little stressed at first.  This was to be expected.  He was also really excited.  We took him for a ride in the car.  He LOVES the car.

Because he's a pug, he sounded a bit asthmatic when he got excited.  It wasn't something that bothered me.  It also wasn't a surprise.  When we met him, he made this sound.  However, once he calmed down, he stopped.

Wrinkles is a little willful, but not anymore than I am.  So we got along swimmingly.  He listened to me. I walked him.  I fed him.  I gave him attention.  And I thought everything was awesome.

I was wrong.

D hated having this dog around.  Wrinkles' sounds made him anxious.  3 days after we got him, D said the dog had to go.  I was against this.  So he made the arrangements.

And we had to give Wrinkles back.  While he returned the pup, I said in the car and cried.  I was heart-broken.  I really wanted this dog, and he felt like a friend.  I felt like we were abandoning a friend.   I am still convinced that I would have given Wrinkles a happy home.

I still count him as my dog.  Even if it was only for 3 days.

1 comment:

  1. Oh so sorry to hear that. D owes you big time. He better make it up to you and get you another dog.


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