Saturday, 2 June 2012

My Thrifting Aesthetic

Well, it had finally happened to me!  Never before have I had the big score while thrifting.  It was usually one item here, and a couple of glasses there, but never a haul like the one I got today.  I think the thrifting gods must have smiled upon me because I found a bunch of things that I brought home:

This is my favorite find of the day!  I should have saved it for last, but I was too excited!  Its a cheese tray!  I've been really into this color lately.  AND it comes from that era I love so much.  I didn't even wait, I invited people over today and served cheese and crackers on it.  And got several compliments on my new tray.   Oooh, and I love the flowers!  When I picked it up, D said that this was definitely a Stephanie find.  And it was 4 bucks!

Since we started decorating our kitchen in red, I've been on the lookout for red accents.  I got these tea towels for 99 cents.  I love the summery fruit pictures on them, and the bright red borders.  Definitely worth the money I spent on them.

We found an afghan!  I love how heavy it is.  I can just picture someone sitting for hours on a cold night, crocheting this cozy blanket.  I loved the yellow in the pattern, so I had to get it.  It was the most expensive thing we bought, but it is a great find.  Almost makes me wish for the winter again.  ALMOST.

These little mugs were too cute to pass up.  I have a soft spot for Japanese kitchenware.  So I got them. 

As per usual, I walked out of the thrift store with a mountain of children's books.  I can never pass up cheap books to bring into my classroom.  And the kids love new book Mondays.  But this time I found some books that I want to read.  Christopher Moore is hilarious.  His stories are funny, sometimes gross, always odd reads. True be told, I'm already more than half-way through Fool, the story of King Lear told from the fools perspective.  He is so irreverent.  I'm enjoying the book a lot.  Unfortunately, I will be finished it by tomorrow.  That's why I need to buy books 2 at a time.  Or, more realistically, ten at a time.

Looking at all the items I've thrifted lately, I can see a distinct theme.  Even though I usually just grab what I love, I think I have a certain thrifting aesthetic.  I created a color pallette just to show you what I mean:

Although I often love bright colors, I've been moving towards these muted, nature tones, with that awesome dark green that was so popular in the 70s.  I still love the pinks and robin egg blues, but lately I'm drawn to these shades.  It could be my mood lately; I've been more sedate and calm as of late.  When I get busy, I tend to settle down, and try to get things done.  And having calm colors around me helps me be more productive.  My thrifting aesthetic changes with my mood; and I can't wait to see what my summer thrifting aesthetic turns out to be!

Do you have a "thrifting aesthetic?"  Or do you just grab whatever you like?

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic finds! I love thrift store shopping too. :D I'll have to make a post on some of my latest thrifted finds to see if I can detect what my aesthetic is. :P


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