Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Thursday Thrifts: Shakers

I missed it last week... So here on a Tuesday is:

D and I we thrifting a couple of weeks ago, and I got these sooo cute salt and pepper shakers.  D did not think that they were sooo cute though.  D thought they were awful.  What do you think?

Our conversation about them went something like this:

Me: D!  Looka these cute salt and pepper shakers!  I was looking for the perfect ones and I think I found them! (does happy dance)  Don't you love them.

D: Nope.  Not even a little.

Me: WHAT?!  You're kidding?  They are totally sweet.

D: I hate them.

Me: Why do you hate them?  How could you possibly hate the cute little mushrooms and the awesome color combo?

D: Those two things are what I hate about them.

Me: WHAT?! But I want to buy them.

D: No.  I forbid you to buy them.

Me: Let's make a deal. We will ask random people what they think of them.  For each person that likes them, I get a point.  For each person that doesn't you get a point.  The most points win.

D: Fine.  We can play your game, but I still forbid you to buy them.

The first person we asked was a woman that worked at the market.

Me: Aren't these the cutest shakers you've ever seen?

The sales Lady With Terrible Taste: (Looks at me with a look of disgust on her face) Are you kidding?

Me: No, they are totally sweet.

TSLWTT: They are awful.  I got something like that for a wedding present in the 70s.  I threw them away.

Me: Seriously?

TSLWTT: Yup.  They are ugly. 

So that counted as a point for D.  I asked two other people and they thought they were cute.  But then D says, "I forbid you to buy them though.  So it doesn't matter how many points you get."

I replied, "okay." And I bought them anyways.

And I love them.

So, who was right?  Are they totally cute?  Or am I delusional?


  1. um YEAH they are totally cute. They would be delightful with that full set of Franciscan Woodlore dishes that I foolishly passed up in the 90s (and regret to this day). He doesn't want you to live with regret does he? I thought not.

  2. i gasped out loud when i saw these! so adorable... super jealous!

  3. I think they're cute and totally match with a 70's themed kitchen. :)


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