Saturday, 5 May 2012

Ongoing Battles of Will: The Blender Battle

The new blender we bought.  Hopefully, this one will last...

Do you know the saying, "you get what you pay for?"  Well, apparently my partner does not.  Here's a perfect example: we are on our fourth blender.

In 2 years.

Even though we use our blender every day, they should last a bit longer than that.  Well, a decent one should anyways.  And even though the cheap ones have broken time and time again, D will not relent and let me buy a good one.  He insists that the 25 dollar blender is just as good as the 99 dollar blender. 

Hey D? Your 25 dollar blender couldn't handle blending a banana. Yep, that's what broke it, a banana. 

When it broke he asked, "what were you trying to blend? A brick?"  

"Yep.  I like to see if random goods I find on the street are blendable.  Its a hobby of mine." I reply.

He says, "no, seriously. What were you blending?"

"Seriously. A banana.  I think there might have been some tough soy milk in there too."

D looks at me doubtfully, "is that all?"

I answered, "Nope.  You got me!  I was trying to make a banana-chocolate-diamond smoothie.  It must have been too much for our 25 dollar blender."

So we have a new blender.  Again.  It was less than 50 dollars.  Again.  It will probably break.  Again.  As long as it breaks after making my smoothie, I should be okay.

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