Tuesday, 25 May 2021

DIY Flax Seed Hair Gel

A close up of my curls, and my hair clip.

Hey Curlies!  I assume that if you are reading this, you have curly hair and you are interested in hair gel!  If not, that's cool too- its always good to know more stuff.  And if it's your first time on this lil' blog WELCOME!  

I have very curly hair.  If you are hip to the lingo, I have Type 3C hair, with low porosity.  It's fine, but I have a lot of it.  And up until October last year, I chemically relaxed it religiously every 6 months for YEARS.  I was also losing my hair in the front of my scalp due to tension alopecia, from pulling it back so tight for so long.  So I cut it all off! And its definitely healthier now.

ANYWAYS, one of the products I use on my hair is really difficult to get in Canada right now.  So I went back to my old curly faithful Flax Seed Gel (FSG) now that I'm curly again.  

What I really like about using FSG is that it holds my curls well.  And there is no hard cast on my curls once it's dry, and it doesn't flake.  I use it will a watered down natural conditioner, and it doesn't flake with that added product.  It also washes out very easily, so there little build up on my hair.  And it makes my hair shine.  I love it so much.

The benefits of FSG are noted in a lot of natural hair websites.  The TL;DR is:

  • its a source of omega-3 fatty acids that improve elasticity and strength for your hair
  • its full of antioxidants that keep hair follicles healthy
  • Flax is a source of protein that helps repair hair
  • has lignans that can decrease inflammation on your scalp

You can buy FSG, but I prefer to make it myself because 1) its really cheap; 2) its pretty easy to do; 3) I can control what goes in it and on my head; 4) I can make it smell like anything I want.  

When I say cheap, I mean CHEAP.  I bought 1 kg of flax seeds for $3.59 CANADIAN.  So cheap.  And all you really need if flax seeds and water.  But, if you want to make your gel work a little more for you, I have a few add-ins that I use that keep my hair moisturized and soft.

The ingredients 

What you'll need:

  • 1/4 cup of Flax Seeds (raw, not roasted)
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 tsp Vegetable Glycerine (Available at drug stores and health food stores)
  • 1/2 tsp some kind of oil that is good for hair (Jojoba; coconut- if your hair likes it; sweet almond oil)
  • 1/2 of Vitamin E oil (or 2 capsules of Vitamin E oil that you can pierce and squeeze into your gel)
  • and 6-10 drops of essential oil (I use Sweet Orange oil because I like refreshing it is; but you can use jasmine, lavender or any other scent you like.)
  • a small pot
  • a mesh sieve, or you can use old pantyhose to strain the gel
  • a stick to stir the gel with
  • a jar to store your gel
I don't use any preservatives in my FSG, so I keep mine in the fridge.  I like to use it cold to help seal the cuticle of my hair.  Without preservatives, it will last about 2 weeks in the fridge, but I use it almost everyday, so I have to make it weekly.


  1. In a small pot or saucepan, add the water, and the flax seeds and heat over medium-high and bring the mixture to a boil.

     2.  Once the mixture started to boil, turn down the heat to medium, and let it boil for about 10-12   
          minutes.  Boil it less if you want a more liquid gel.  I like it pretty thick, so I boil it for about 12  
          minutes.  Make sure that you stir the gel often so seeds don't stick to the bottom of the pot and 

     3. Once the gel has boiled,  it will be thick and sticky.  I strain it by pouring it into a mesh sieve over a  
         bowl and let it cool.  The gel at this point is still food safe, so you can use any bowl.  Once you add   
         the add-ins, it will not longer be food safe.  This is why I add that stuff to the jar I'm storing it in.

     4.  While the gel is straining and cooling, take your jar and add the glycerine, oils and vitamin E to the 
          bottom and mix with your stick.  

    5.   After your gel has cooled and strained, you can put the seeds in a container in the fridge- you can 
          reuse these seeds to make another batch of gel!  

    6.  Mix your gel and the add-ins- the gel is very viscous-- so I like to put the lid on and shake it well to 
         incorporate all the oils an add-ins.

    7. This is where I like to smell my gel, and add more essential oil.  Without the oils, the smell is not   
        strong, and you can't smell it once it dry.  But I like having a little scent. 

If you've added oil, you will need to shake it before you use it.  But that's it!  That's how I make my gel!

Will you give it a try?  If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask below in the comments!


  1. This is really interesting! I'm interested in the flax seed gel from everything you've mentioned. I like your process, but I'm going to be honest: I'm too lazy to do it - if I wanted to buy some, is there any specific brand you would recommend or advise to stay away from?

  2. LOL. Cantu has a flax seed line that is supposed to be really good. I haven't tried these, but Aveda and Carina Organics has Flax Seed gel too. They would have preservatives in them so the you don't have to keep it in the Fridge. If you do try it, will you let know how it is?


Drop me a line, I love hearing from you!