Thursday, 23 February 2012

Made: Quilted phone case

I finally got a new phone!  After months of a phone that constantly died while I was talking, I took the plunge and got a new one.  I didn't get a very popular model though-- well, its not popular yet.

So to protect my new phone, I made this phone pocket.  Because it uses a touch screen, I wanted to give it a little cushioning, so I quilted it using a little cotton batting I had left over and a simple stitch pattern.

I did take enough pictures to write up a tutorial, so if there is interest, I will write one up for anyone that has a Samsung Galaxy phone that needs covering.

***TUTORIAL ADDED****  A printable PDF version is available for free download on my "Make It!" (link) tutorials page.

When I sew, I kinda make it up as I go along.  I've tried to be clear and concise in this tutorial.  Sometimes, I forget something, or make a mistake. Please let me know if I did that here.  Also, if you make a case, I would love to see some pictures of what you made!  Please share!  Ok, here we go!

What you will need:
  • 2 pieces of corresponding fabric, cut into the measurement of your phone plus 1 inch (4 pieces of fabric total) seam allowances cut into the measurement of your phone plus 1 inch
  • cotton bating cut into the measurement of your phone plus 1 inch (2 pieces total)
  • Matching thread
  • Rotary cutter, quilting ruler and mat (for easier cutting pieces)
  • Sewing machine

 Step 1: Cut all you pieces out

Using a rotary cutter and ruler, I cut all out my rectangles so that they measured 6 inches by 3 inches (the measurement of my phone plus 1 inch.) I cut 2 pieces of dark blue for the outside, the light fabric for the lining, and the batting for protection.  Put your lining pieces a side, you will be sewing the outside fabric and the batting together first.

Step 2: Sew the batting to the outer fabric

Pin the bating to the outer fabric, and using a marking chalk, mark the quilting design you want on the outside of your case.  I kept t simple, and went with a diamond pattern.  If you want to use this design, remember sew the first line from one corner, diagonally to another corner.  This will help all you quilting seams line up, and keep you fabric from bunching too much.

 Step 3: Sew the outside of the case together
 After quilting both side, place both pieces right sides together.  Sew a seam (1/4- 1/2 inch seams) up each side stopping about an inch from the top if you are lining your case.  Leaving an inch from the top will help when you put the whole thing together.  Sew a seam across the bottom, so you have a pocket.  If you don't want your pocket lined, you can stop here turn right side in and carry your phone around. No one will know what's inside!  If you like adventure, you can continue on and line your case.

Step 4: Sew the lining

Set aside the outer part of your case, and with the right sides of the fabric facing together, sew the side seams of you lining together.  Sew the bottom seam to make a pocket, but leave about 1 1/2 inch space unsewn in the bottom.  This is so we can turn the whole thing right-side-in when he time is right.  Turn the lining, so the right side of the fabric is facing outward.  Put the lining into the inside out pocket that is the outer part of your case, the right sides of the fabric should be facing inside the pocket.

Step 5: Sew the top of the bag 
I wish I would have taken a picture of this, but I had my hands full!  Sew a seam all around the top of the pocket.  After the seam is sewn, sew up the sides.  Trim and extra fabric from around the top of the pocket.  Now is when the magic happens...

Step 6: Flipping it inside out/ right side in
 Reaching inside your pocket, pull out the lining (it should be inside out.)  Through the little hole you left in the lining, you will turn the whole pocket right side in.  It takes a little working like in the picture above.  But once you get everything through you should end up with:

 Using a needle and thread, or your machine, sew up the hole left in the lining.  Push the lining into back in the case and make sure your phone fits!

 Voila!  A unique and useful protective case for your phone!

Some tricks I learned:
  • Pushing the corners out in the case was tricky.  For this I use a knitting needle. 
  • Test your phone in each part before sewing the case up.  It should be a little loose. 
  • Use cotton fabric and batting in your case, and not wool.  Wool carries/ causes (?) static electricity, and that's really bad for electronics. 
I hope you enjoy making and carrying your new case!

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