Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Just another day for the Allergist

Today I had a specialist appointment with the allergist! Leading up to it was not a fun time.  But, as I found out, it was just another day for the allergist.

For 5 days before the appointment, I was not allowed to have any antihistamines.  None.  And it is spring-like conditions around town.  That's 5 days without anything for sneezing.  Without anything for runny noses, or itchy eyes, or hives.  And lucky me, I had all these great symptoms!  For a bonus, I got a cold 3 days before the appointment, and all the cold medication I had, has antihistamines in it!  Hooray for double misery!

Why does the allergist hate me?

Finally, my appointment came!  I had all these questions about hives, and allergies, and how they work, and most importantly, why me?  But the doctor had other things on his mind.  I asked him how he was, and he ignored the question!  He just started asking about my nose!  Do I have nose problems?  How would I describe my nose problems?  How much tissue did I use? (For effect, he held up a box, just so I knew what he was talking about.)  How did my nose feel right now?  Could he look up my nose?  I was never as self-conscious about my nose as I was in this appointment.  Finally, as he took a breath, I asked the formost question on my mind, "why do you hate me, doctor?"

I rendered him speechless.  He asked me to clarify, and I said, "I couldn't have antihistamines for a week, and this left me miserable and feeling awful."

His answer, "You suffer now, so you can feel better later."

Ah!  He beat me at my own game!

Why does the Allergist hate me?

Then he proceeded to start the allergy test.  He used some liquids in some bottles, put drops on my forearm in rows, and then pricked the dots with a needle!

Why does the allergist hate me?

We then talked about my allergy results from when I was a child.  We talked about how to minimize the dust mites in my home.  My arm started to itch.  And itch. AND ITCH!  I asked him if my arm was supposed to itch.  He quickly said, "yes." And kept talking. And my arm kept itching.  I told him it really itched.  He said, "yes, I know."

I asked, "Can I scratch my arm?"

He said, "No."

I said, "Please."

He said, "No." Very calmly.

I said, "Please?"

He said, "No."  Even calmer than before, if that was possible.

Finally, it was time to read the test.  And this is what my arm looked like:

My, oh my! Look at all those reactions!  The doctor said this wasn't so bad.

Why does he hate me?

The verdict, I'm allergic to dogs, cats, horses (who new?), cows (really?), dust mites, household dust and I had small reaction to parakeet feathers, and duck feathers.  Doesn't my arm look really uncomfortable?  It was. 

After we read the test, we talked about medication.  He suggested needles.  No thanks! The only other option for me was a nasal spray.  I hate things up my nose.

But he was really a nice man.  Even if he hates me.


  1. ick. I remember my allergist appointment..maybe it was the same guy?!

    I just remember the reactions for horses, dogs, cats and cows was so bad, they all merged into one big welt :-(


    1. That does sound like it would suck. Mine stayed distinctly separate. And each spot itched as much as the other. I took some benedryl and it went down, but man! What a miserable afternoon!


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