Saturday, 24 August 2013

I don't know anything.

So we have moved. More than that, in true "Stephanie fashion," my week was more eventful than I wanted and/or needed.  

ANYWAYS, now that we have moved,we are slowly waiting for our services to resume.  We have power; which is awesome. We have water, which is essential.  What we are missing, is also essential-- wifi.

Now, I know what you a thinking; Internet is not essential.  It's a luxury that we can stand to do without for a while, to unplug if you will. Usually, I would agree with you.  Not being glued to your computer screen on a vacation of sorts can be a really good thing.  Normally, I would be using this time to paint or knit or do one of the thousand other hobbies I have.  

But here's the rub: I don't know anything.

Every time I wanted to do something in the new place, compare spaces and gather ideas for furniture placement or whatever, I couldn't because we have no Internet.  

If the world ends weekend, I wouldn't be ready because all my survival information is saved on my Pinterest boards!  

So, for my wifi fix, I am typing this from a Starbucks.  Drinking coffee I didn't make (cause I couldn't at home) and quickly updating my blog.

I am also gathering knowledge for the next few days.  Hopefully, I will be plugged in again Monday.  If I can feed myself without my online recipes until then.


  1. I am totally the same way! My service provider had issues for two days and I thought I was going to lose it. No crochet patterns. No television shows to watch. No new recipes to try. It was brutal. hopefully you get your service turned back on soon!

  2. I always think I'm fine w/o internet until a storm knocks out power and then I'm all....uh....nope.

  3. I got it! And it was no problem! Thank goodness. I couldn't take anymore bad news after the week I've had!

  4. Yeah, I was all like, "4 days sans wifi? No prob, its not like I'm addicted to the internet... I can stop anytime I want to."


    I'm addicted to the internet.


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