Friday, 15 March 2013

Friday I'm in Love (Not an original title at all): The first

I like the idea of listing the fun and awesome things I find around town (and sometimes the internet.)  I thought that maybe you would like to see some of the things I dig.  I was trying to think of a title, and BAM! it hit me; The Cure's "Friday I'm in Love" would be an awesome title for this series.  But then I searched the internet and alas, lots of people were already using it.  And I thought, "Jeez, can't I have an original thought without 'the internet' ruining it for me?"

But then D said, "Rule 21 of the internet," and I said, "yeah, it wasn't a completely original thought anyways. It belonged to The Cure."  And really, would Robert Smith care? (No, because he is too fabulous to care.)

So here it is, my favorite finds this week for the first edition of "Friday, I'm in Love:"

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Beanermunky Peanut Butter Cups: Today D and I got these.  I love them.  I wanted to sit in a ditch and just eat them all.  If you happen see me sitting in a ditch one day, that means I'm trying to enjoy some chocolate.  Do no approach unless you have more chocolate.

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Galaxy Tights- Aren't these leggings "Out of this world?" Okay, I know.  Sorry.  I'm not usually one for printed tights; but there is something about stars that I love.  Space is so pretty, it should be on clothing more.

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Mischief Champion comics: This is pretty much me in the morning.  Except now I'm even "happier" since I had to give up coffee while I'm on my antibiotics!

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Rare Specimens:  Jane's earrings are so cute.  I already own the pairs that are circled.  I still want the ones starred. 

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Irena Komadinic's artwork:  I am lucky to have a print of my favorite piece, AND an original painting by Irena from a long time ago.  I love her stuff, its beautiful but a little sad.  This painting is called "Open-Heart Surgery" and is one of my faves of hers.

Not bad for the first time!  I like this!  I look forward to sharing some of my fave finds in the future.

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