Bill 115 passed in Ontario yesterday. What is interesting about this bill, is that it limits that freedom of teachers to strike. I'm a teacher. Here is what I want to respond (but the website won't let me right now) to people (ahem.) who are commenting that:
"Teachers are the spoiled brats of the working class" - "Financegal"
"Maybe so, but you also lose your dignity when you protest this bill by taking it out on the kids by cancelling extra curricular activities. Far as I am concern, ever teach that does this proves to me they are not there for the kids and they should not be teachers. No matter what issues there are between teachers, the union and the board, there is never a time you use the kids as a bargaining tool, that has to stop. That is what makes many teachers a disgrace." - "Cael"
And my favourite:
"If we just gave the teachers what they want, they wouldn't throw a tantrum. That's NOT what we need to teach our children." - "RightofCenter"
I'm Stephanie Bass. I teach French. I'm new to teaching; this is my second career. I don't get any of the "benefits" that teachers who are not new get. I should. Also, I don't know who said that the teacher's were not fighting
about money. Of course its about
money. It costs money to educate. More money if you want children educated well.
But I will concede. I
will stop being selfish and give up everything if I can negotiate my pay
(instead of a faceless board determining my pay by my credentials alone) and be paid
an hourly wage that takes into account my education and experience. I have an M.A. I was once a social worker, which is a handy skill-set working in an inner city school. I have experience teaching at two top Canadian
Universities (York and McMaster). I
speak English and French. Also, I'm pretty charming so I feel comfortable asking and confident I could talk my way into the $20-30/ hour I would make in the private sector in a
professional capacity. I work from 7:30
in the morning until about 6:00 at night with my extra-curricular activities,
marking and preparation. Of course, this
is a conservative estimate. All of this means
I should be getting a base salary of $60-70 000/year.
I pay for all my resources, office supplies and additional
training, for which I would like to be reimbursed. This year I have spent $3000 on training, and
$2000 on office and school supplies for students who can't afford their
own. I would need to be reimbursed for
the $300 I spent printing my own resources, as well as the $500 I spent on
educator resources. $67 300 for those of
you playing along at home.
I also need to travel for meetings, conferences and
training, for which I also pay. That is
another $1000 this year (but could be more).
$68 300. Can I put in for mileage
What about the "extras" I pay for because I work
in a poor area? I buy birthday presents
for kids that would get none. I buy
extra snacks for kids that don't get lunches.
I buy coats and clothing in the winter, shoes all year round, bathing
suits, toiletries. Once, I had to buy a set of socket wrenches to help fix a
students' bike. Can I have an expense
account for that?
Right now the total for me, without benefits, without sick
days is almost $70 200/ year. This is
significantly more than I currently make as a teacher. You wouldn't gripe about $30 000/year?
But there is more: the government legislated that I can't
strike? Something that is written into
the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
I am not allowed to express my frustration about my employment, my pay,
or benefits? In response, we will take the
one thing we have to work with and stop it- no volunteering at the school where
we also work. Seems reasonable. This is 10-15 hours a week in free labour
that I will stop performing. Although my
volunteering is not mandatory, it is important.
And hopefully, people will see its value and come back to the table to discuss this
I am frustrated that I am not running my extra-curricular
activities; emotionally torn really, because in my school, its all many
students get in terms of music lessons, and sports teams. My students deserve it, and need it. And I get to feel terrible about it. I get to look my students in the eyes and
tell them that Glee club and Rock band are cancelled until further notice. So I
get the sleepless nights and guilt about stopping these things. But, what else can I do? I need people to
listen to my concerns. Discussion hasn't

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