Tuesday, 3 April 2012


Last night, I didn't sleep very well.  I was having some horrific nightmares.  As a result, I was not as well rested today as I would have liked to be.  When I'm tired, I have a hard time relaxing during the day, because I just want to sleep.  But if I go to sleep, then I would have a hard time at night!  So I need to find things that comfort me, but keep me busy. 

So I started another blanket.  This one is made of granny squares.  I love granny squares!  I love that they are quick and portable.  If I am feeling especially ambitious, I can start connecting them.  I like sewing together the squares, so I don't join them as I go.  I like the simple pattern of the motif, but the excitement of choosing the 3 colors that will go into each block.  I've only finished about 25 locks of 60, so I have a ways to go before I finish. 

Another way I kept myself busy as to make one of my favorite comfort foods: Macaroni and Cheese, with smoked chicken.  I hardly ever make this because it is so involved (I even make my own breadcrumbs for the topping!) but today was a good day to do it.  I couldn't concentrate on watching anything on TV, so I worked on this in the kitchen for a little over an hour.  The multitasking that this recipe takes makes me feel accomplished.  When D came home and smelled it in the oven, he got excited like a little kid. 

Its not just the eating of this casserole that's comforting, but D's company and enjoyment of it.

For my last bit of comfort, I'm going to read in my chair.  D bought me a new light to work and read under.  Before the lamp, this corner was a little dark.  He is so thoughtful.  It was his idea to get a lamp with a movable arm so I can pull it over if I'm sewing or knitting, or reading.  And it has been really handy since we got it.   This chair is a great place for me to retire for the evening, and just do some reading. 

I also have a Pineapple Upside-Down Cake in the oven.  I'm sure that will help me feel comforted too.

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