Tuesday, 30 April 2013

25 things fat people shouldn't do: Swing

I'll admit it.  Until I read this list Jes posted, and then decided to do everything on it, I had no desire to swing at the park.  None.  I never really liked swings as a kid.  I was more the slide type.  But it was on the list, so I did it.  And it was a little fun.  I couldn't swing for a long time-- my stomach felt weird with the swing motion, but it was fun. 

Mostly fun because the kids that were playing in the park had no idea why D and I decided to swing on the swings.  As soon as we got on them, out of nowhere, the park kids came over and wanted the swings. 

I told them, "too bad."  And swung until I felt I was done.  Which happened to be for like 2 more minutes.

And as soon as we got off of them, the kids didn't want them anymore.

There's probably a metaphor for life in that story.  Maybe.

For now I will leave you with this last pic of me swinging; not breaking anything and teasing some neighbourhood kids:

I think one of the kids went to get his mom at this point...

** Here are the 25 things I've already completed: Sit in a booth; Eat in Public; Drive; Ride a bike; Wear a mumu; Make art of themselves; Jump in an elevator.  And you can find the list here.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Featured: Interviewed by Ponder Wonders Blog!

I am overwhelmingly thankful to Mayra for creating such a wonderful post about me!  Mayra has a monthy feature interviewing bloggers to create inspiration for other bloggers and readers.  Here's what she says about her "And This Month's Interviewee Is..." feature:

"I believe that something magical and miraculous happens when we share our light with others.  It just may very well brighten someone's darkness.  I love the way spiritual activist and author Marianne Williamson puts it better.  She states that "as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."  It is through this personal belief that my monthly feature of 'And This Month's Interviewee is'....was birthed!  My goal is to feature every month an interview in hopes that the underlying story, behind the words and pictures, touches and enriches someone's life for the better.  We are not alone people, we all flow simultaneously in the mysterious magical energy of life!"

And I was more than happy to volunteer to be interviewed!  Thank you for the opportunity, Mayra!

If you are interested in knowing a little more (or a lot more) about me, wander on over to Ponder Wonders.

If you have wandered over here from Ponder Wonders, welcome!  Perhaps check out my "About" page and see what Bassability is all about!

Monday, 1 April 2013


Pic link

...and that's how I feel about that.

Mayra over at Ponder Wonders has her Soul Food Link-Up every Monday.  If you have a cute or clever graphic that is inspirational, (or like mine, funny while making you think) you should go on over and link on up.