There are few things I really love to do: and sleep is high on that list. And nothing is worse than when a good sleep is ripped away from my tiny hands on a work night.
Insomnia, you are definitely not a friend of mine.
Instead of counting sheep, here's a list of funny happenings/things I said to the students on our field trip last week:
One of the girls was goofing around on the subway, and she fell right into the lap of a cute high school boy. She was so embarrassed, and had the pinkest cheeks I ever saw. She looked at me, and I said, "Do you feel like a goat?"
Confused she looked at me and asked, "like a goat?"
I replied, "Baaa-aaa-ad?"
I let the girls buy some candy for the ride home on our field trip. One of the girls bought a box of Nerds. (Remember Nerds?! Definitely a cool choice.) She was studying the box intently while we were on the subway.
I tapped her on the shoulder, and when she looked up I said, "Looking for a picture of yourself, Nerd?"
She giggled. I giggled. The guy in the seat beside her giggled. It was a good ride.
My students love to sing. They sing anytime. And the music of their 8 year-old lives, is not exactly the soundtrack would choose to live by. I often have to tell them, "there is a time and place to sing. And this is not one of them."
Sitting on the crowded city bus, I heard a little voice start singing, "Sparks Fly" by Taylor Swift. The voice inside my head said, "that
has to be one of mine." Before I could say anything,
all of them started singing "Sparks Fly." Loudly. On a crowded bus. I told them the bus driver probably would want us to stop becasue he didn't like Taylor Swift. He said, "no its fine. I like it." The only talking bus driver in all of Toronto wouldn't back me up. So then I though a compromise would be in order; I asked them to sing Sarah McLachlan song, "Ice Cream." So they did. Then a passenger on the bus said, "Whoa, they take requests. Can you sing some Bon Jovi?"
And all my 8 and 9 year-old students started to sing, "Living On A Prayer."
I still don't even know how they knew that song.